Who Goes There Podcast: Ep 167 – HEREDITARY

Ahoy there, fuckers!  Five years ago today we posted the first ever episode of the Who Goes There Podcast; what a ride it’s been. This week, we thought we’d do something a little special, so we’re releasing a double episode! Well, it’s actually more like an episode and a half. First, King Sam has decreed that we discuss Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste! After we discuss extra-terrestrial anus we dive in to the movie that has all of the interwebs abuzz, Hereditary.

To celebrate our anniversary, we’re joined by the lovely Ms. Alia, and Jorge’s buddy Rhett as we recap the major news out of E3, have some drinks and act like idiots, duh.

When we get out of here, Joel’s going to be carrying his balls home in a knapsack. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 167!

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