Day Breaks for the Vampyre Nation Trailer

It’s hard not to watch this trailer for Vampyre Nation and not get the sense that the makers of the movie watched Daybreakers and wished the film had more to do with characters hunting down those mutant vampire man-bats. And I would agree with them 100% on that point.
Vampyre Nation may not be an Asylum mockbuster of Daybreakers but it sure does sound like it could be.
Bucharest, Romania. The not-too-distant future, but an entirely different city. The human population is dwindling. The vampire population, meanwhile, is exploding. Having emerged from the shadows a decade earlier, vampires now walk openly amongst the human population, as a precarious peace exists between the two. A peace made possible by the introduction of a synthetic blood substitute, dispensed by the Romanian government, making traditional vampire feeding, and preying on humans, no longer necessary. But even so, it’s not a peace that everyone is entirely comfortable with…
Okay, hold on. I did a story about this month’s ago and the only available plot synopsis at the time was less a synopsis than the treatment for the script. You can go read that story if you want all the details. I’ll just summarize it by telling you there’s an American cop in Romania working for the Vampire Crimes Division who reluctantly frees a vampire hunter named Johnny Harker from prison, threatening the truce between vampires and humans in the process; he needs Harker and his team of hunters to deal with a new species of devolved vampire man-bats feeding on both humans and vampires alike. A team of human-hunting vampires assemble to slay the slayers, and they all end up colliding in the sewers where the mutant bat monsters lurk. You get the idea.
Neil Jackson (“Blade: The Series”), Andrew Lee Parker (“Primeval”), and Roark Critchlow (“V”) star.
Given that the film was directed by Todor Chapkanov (Syfy’s Monster Wolf), written by Rafael Jordan (Syfy’s Yeti: Curse of the Snow Creature), and produced by UFO Films, the production company behind Syfy’s S.S. Doomtrooper, Morlocks, and Reign of the Gargoyles, amongst many more, I think it is safe to assume we’ll be seeing Vampyre Nation premiering on Syfy sometime next year.
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