Who Goes There Podcast: Ep 168 – PYEWACKET

I am constantly hearing people say, “I wish I could go back to high school; everything was so great back then.” The truth is, high school was a really shit time! In high school your hormones are out of whack, you hate everyone and everything, especially your parents, you want so bad to fit in, but you decided to take band, and you keep getting awkward boners, and Mr. Bowles makes you play your solo in front of the class. Fuck you, Mr. Bowles! If only we all had the foresight to play around with black magic and could summoned imps to help us with our day to day lives. Enter Pyewacket, a film about a teenage girl who summons an imp to help improve her relationship with her mother.
If teenage witches aren’t your bag, perhaps you’ll enjoy Matt’s story about the time he caused “a volcanic eruption of blood”, or how you can spot a witch using just a bowl of fruit!
Ew, Jerry you distgusting freak, get away from me with all that stuff. What I want is the Who Goes There Podcast episode 168!
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