Twi-hards Unite – The Twilight Time Capsule Gives You a Home of Your Own

The Hollywood Reporter
All right, you die-hard Twilight fans, I’m going to do my best to go easy on you here. We’ve gotten word that you now have your very own online location where you can interact with other like-minded individuals. Finally Team Edward and Team Jacob together. Vampires and werewolves and broody teenaged girls … oh my!
Launched by Summit Entertainment, the Twilight Time Capsule as it’s called is a place where Twi-hards can go to upload and share photos, videos, comments and raging unadulterated love for Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Since hearing about this, I’ve begun to build the Doctor Gash Time Capsule, which I hope to launch in early 2012. Hold on to your pants, ladies!
Fans are invited to commiserate … sorry, commemorate and share content and relive any moment in the entire Twilight Saga in anticipation of the November 18 release of Breaking Dawn: Part 1. The site also has tons of links to your favorite social networking sites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Photobucket, Instagram and (for some reason) MySpace.

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