Weekly Ticket Giveaway: The sCare Foundation Inaugural Fundraising Event

The sCare Foundation Website
Two weeks ago we told you about The sCare Foundation’s Inaugural Fundraising Event that’s guaranteed to be brimming with celebrities and all manner of coolness in the name of charity, and today and every week between now and October 28th, we have your chance to win yourself a pair of general admission tickets to the event!
To enter for your chance to win, just send an E-MAIL HERE including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS. We’ll let you know via e-mail whether or not you have won and what you need to do to claim your tickets!
For a bit of coolness right now, head on over to the official sCare Foundation Facebook page and give them a “Like”. That’s right, kids! Just click the “Like” button and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a chance to win all sorts of cool stuff like signed DVDs, posters, etc. Giveaways are happening several times a week so make sure that you’re in the running!
From the Press Release
This Halloween the horror community is going to give back in a big way. The newly formed sCare Foundation will host its inaugural fundraising event on October 30, 2011, in the Conga Room at L.A. Live. An evening filled with entertainment, dancing and an exciting auction, the event will benefit the CHAMPION Fund at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to support the life-saving programs of the Hollywood Homeless Youth Project (HHYP).
“I am so pleased with the response we have received thus far in the formation of sCare and this event,” commented sCare Foundation founder Malek Akkad. “The response has been overwhelming, and we know that organizations such as ours are truly a group effort. We look forward to helping the children that will benefit from CHAMPION Fund as well as expanding our reach in the future.”
The sCare Foundation was created to focus on issues affecting today’s youth – poverty and homelessness. There are over 1.6 million homeless youth in American, and an additional 5-7% become homeless in any given year. And currently youth in the United States are more likely to live in poverty than any other developed nation. The goal of the sCare Foundation is to be help alleviate some of these issues.
Additionally, the sCare Foundation is pleased to have writer/director John Carpenter (Halloween, The Thing, Escape from New York) and producer/director James Wan (Saw franchise) as part of its honorary board.

Founded by Malek Akkad, producer of the successful Halloween franchise, sCare Foundation (Suspense Community Allocating Relief and Empowerment Foundation) is a non-profit organization dedicated to alleviating the hardships of poverty and homelessness facing today’s youth throughout North America. sCare Foundation’s focus will be to provide financial support to existing youth programs throughout North America as well as arranging special sCare Foundation activities for the children such as set visits, movie screenings, celebrity meet-and-greets and more. In addition to working with children in need, the sCare Foundation aims to involve more young people in philanthropy and develop their passions and skills to give back to their own communities. sCare wholeheartedly believes that the suspense genre demographic is an untapped resource of unlimited potential in giving and changing our global community. It can be a part of the solution. To learn more about sCare Foundation and the Board members, please visit the The sCare Foundation online.
Once again, for more visit the official The sCare Foundation website, “like” The sCare Foundation on Facebook, and follow The sCare Foundation on Twitter.

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