Quentin Tarantino Praises SUSPIRIA Remake

Last week we shared the news that Suspiria remake star Chole Grace Mortez thinks Luca Guadagnino’s remake of Dario Argento’s classic is “the closest to modern Kubrick” she has seen. And if that wasn’t high enough praise for you, today we have word that Quentin Tarantino has seen the film and is reaction was genuinely emotional.
“I showed it to Quentin Tarantino,” Guadagnino revealed to the Italian publication La Repubblica. “We’ve been friends since our jury duty at the Venice Film Festival. I was nervous but eager to hear his advice. We saw it at his place and his reaction warmed me. He was enthusiastic about it, in the end, he was crying and hugged me.”
He then adds: “Because it’s a horror movie but also a melodrama, my goal was to make you look at the horror without being able to take [your eyes off the screen] because you’re captivated by the characters. Amazon is very happy.”
Does this update make you more excited for the remake? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!
Suspiria is directed by Luca Guadagnino and stars Tilda Swinton, Dakota Johnson, Mia Goth, Chloë Grace Moretz, Lutz Ebersdorf, and Jessica Harper, star of the original. The remake is completing post at the moment ahead of its debut at the Venice Film Festival in September.
It hits theaters November 2nd.
Susie Bannion, a young American woman, travels to the prestigious Markos Tanz Company in Berlin in the year 1977. She arrives just as one of the Company’s members, Patricia, has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. As Susie makes extraordinary progress under the guidance of Madame Blanc, the Company’s revolutionary artistic director, she befriends another dancer, Sara, who shares her suspicions that the Matrons, and the Company itself, may be harboring a dark and menacing secret.