Spielberg on READY PLAYER ONE’s THE SHINING Sequence

I think it’s safe to say by this point if you wanted to see Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One, you already gave it a peek. And if you did, you were equally blown away by the prolonged The Shining sequence held within.
Spielberg wanted to keep the sequence a surprise for audiences so he hasn’t talked about it anywhere- until recently that is. Recently he spoke with EW about the sequence and you can find his comments below.
“It’s a combination of set construction and digital set construction,” Spielberg says. “So we built the elevators and we built the hallway leading up to the elevators, but the main living area of the Overlook with the fireplace is digital.”
He continues: “It was nostalgic for me because I first met Stanley Kubrick on the set that I depict in Ready Player One.”
“The main living area with the grand fireplace in the Overlook is where I first encountered Stanley in 1979 when I went to look at the soundstages. They were about to build the sets for Raiders of the Lost Ark in Elstree Studios,” Spielberg says. “When I found out Stanley had completed a set and was planning his shots, I asked if I could meet him.”
You can read more about the sequence and check out quick BTS video over HERE. After looking through that, make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!