Paranormal Activity 3 – New Viral Video; All Six in One Place

The time for talking is over. Paranormal Activity 3 is now haunting a theatre near you, and to celebrate the film’s arrival the sixth viral clip has shivered its way online. We have it for you right here along with the previous five. Let the spookshow begin!
Read our official Paranormal Activity 3 review here and, if you missed it, our Fantastic Fest Paranormal Activity 3 review here!
Paranormal Activity 3 is produced by Jason Blum, Oren Peli and Steven Schneider and directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman from a screenplay by Christopher Landon.
Follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream) for more upcoming announcements, and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity website!

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