Who Goes There Podcast: Ep 172 – THE BLOB (1988)

Hear, ye! Hear, ye! By royal proclamation, King Sam has sacrificed his monthly movie pick, so that the foul mouthed female of the Who Goes There Podcast can have her first ever staff pick! Alia definitely wasn’t fucking around and came in with guns blazing with her pick of 1988’s The Blob!
The Blob has been consistently been suggested for review by our Patreon subscribers for as long as we’ve been taking Patreon suggestions. Alia did not take them into consideration what-so-ever, and picked this film for her own selfish reasons; this is why I love her. Is it from outer space? Is it made by the military? Maybe it’s something coughed up after a night of mixing Pepto Bismol with boxed wine. Tune in and find out!
Oh, I expect by now he’s just finishin’ up with her. We’ll just wait here till he gets back. We can listen to the Who Goes There Podcast episode 172!
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