Web Series Vampire Mob – A Totally Indie Effort – Returns for Season 2

Vampire Mob
It was back in the summer of 2010 that we first reported on Joe Wilson’s web series Vampire Mob, and now we’ve heard from Joe that Season Two has begun with six episodes already available, including “Dinner for Six” with cast members Kirsten Vangsness (“Criminal Minds”), Emmy winner Marcia Wallace (“The Simpsons”) and Tony winner Rae Allen (“The Sopranos”).
The road hasn’t always been a smooth one for writer/director/editor Wilson, who told us, “After losing all our money on Kickstarter, we raised the budget of $10,000 on our own site and got to make a story – no network, no company, no FCC, no sponsor – nothing to fuck it up! Just people helping people tell a story. We shot an 80-page script with 23 actors, and I’ve never worked harder making a project happen than this one! We also worked with fight choreographers Jan Bryant and Dan Speaker, who have worked on Hook, Master and Commander, and Army of Darkness.”
Best of all? Wilson continues, “The show’s free and commercial-free online, like public TV that says fuck. On YouTube. We have six episodes done out of the eight from Season Two, and we got to shoot it on fancy cameras so it looks badass. The show is completely indie with no marketing budget, just Twitter and Facebook and our killer audience, one of whom made the poster design below. This isn’t a pilot; this is the ‘punk rock of filmmaking’.”
Along with the poster Wilson mentioned, here’s the trailer to Season Two. For more visit VampireMob.com along with Vampire Mob on Twitter and Vampire Mob on Facebook.

Vampire Mob is an indie comedy series about Don Grigioni (John Colella), a Mafia hitman who thought he had the solution to his problems: become a vampire. After biting his wife, Annie (Reamy Hall), who then bites her mother, Virginia (Marcia Wallace), Don’s problems get worse when his mother-in-law moves in … for eternity.
Picking up from the gunshot-riddled Season One finale, Don Grigioni has a new “to do” on his list: find out who hired the guy that just shot him. Don’s mother-in-law is still living with him, and the Mafia-ordered cease-fire has made “grocery shopping” difficult for a hitman/vampire with a family to feed. Don’s mother (Rae Allen) visits without notice, and now there are two mothers-in-law from hell at home. Dealing with the family and “the family” gets a lot more dangerous for Don in Season Two.
Vampire Mob’s cast rivals any in network television and includes Chris Mulkey (“Boardwalk Empire”), Retta (“Parks and Recreation”), Emmy nominee Andy Lauer (“Caroline in the City), and Vincent Guastaferro (“NYPD Blue”).
A fundraising campaign on Kickstarter ended without success, losing over $6,000 in pledges. But Vampire Mob, the little series that could, successfully raised the Season Two budget through the show’s website thanks to “The VMob,” the nickname of the show’s audience, who donated over $10,000 to keep it going.
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