Quirk Books and PadWorx Team Up for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Interactive eBook

Quirk Books has teamed up with eBook company PadWorx (renowned for their #1 book apps Dracula: The Official Stoker Family Edition and A Christmas Carol for iPad) to release Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: The Interactive eBook for the iPhone and iPad (and soon the Android). We first heard about the app last summer, and now we have all the details.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.”
So begins Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, an expanded re-telling of the beloved Jane Austen novel featuring all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie mayhem. This revolutionary vision of what an eBook reading should be takes Quirk Books’ version of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and creates the definitive user-driven experience through text, animation, music, sound, gameplay-like elements, and touchscreen technology.
At the special $4.99 limited time promotional price, this interactive eBook features hundreds of illustrations, an original musical score, buckets of gory animation, and a pair of literary masterpieces: Hold your device right-side up to enjoy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Turn it upside-down to read Jane Austen’s original Pride and Prejudice. Turn the device 90 degrees to read both novels, side-by-side. Featuring:
– Enhanced book/app version of the bestselling novel
– Hundreds of pages of illustrated, interactive zombie mayhem
– Complete text of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies AND Jane Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice
– Original musical score and sound effects
Check out some screenshots below, and then click here to visit iTunes to get your copy of this versatile app!

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