Uncle Creepy Signing Off…

Eighteen years ago Tony Timpone of Fangoria gave me my start in the horror industry. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I will always love him and be appreciative of that. During that time I’ve had the honor of working shoulder-to-shoulder with some of my idols, most notably my friends and mentors George A. Romero and Sid Haig. Without their guidance navigating this crazy path, I would have stepped on a land mine and been obliterated long ago. These men are my holy trinity. I’m grateful beyond words.
I’ve also been lucky enough to help foster a new generation of idols for you, my fellow horror fans. Making you more than aware of the works of Adam Green, Joe Lynch, Darren Bousman, Adam Robitel, Ben Rock, Oren Peli, Damien Leone, Megan Freels Johnston, James Wan, Leigh Whannell, Zak Bagans, Jeffrey Reddick, Darin Scott, Jen and Sylvia Soska, Scott Derrickson, Jovanka Vuckovic, Dave Parker, Ted Geoghegan, Dan Farrands, Mike Mendez… the list goes on and on. I’m truly blessed to have assisted each of them in any small way that I could and helped you guys discover their voices and work. They’re the real deal. They’re not only the genre’s present, but also its future.
So many of the folks who have worked with me at Dread Central have gone on to amazing careers as writers, editors, producers, and directors. Andrew Kasch, Buz Wallick, Joe Knetter, Axelle Carolyn, Ryan Turek, Matt Serafini, Scott Foy, Heather Buckley, Sean Decker, Scott Johnson, Staci Layne Wilson, Sean Clark, Morgan Elektra, and more. You know, sometimes they foolishly tell people I helped launch their careers. Believe me when I tell you it’s their talent that has done so, not me. Words cannot describe how very proud of them I am. Seeing you grow has been my honor.
This, however? This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to put into words, and I’ve written obituaries for personal friends and legends. Effective immediately I am stepping away from my position as Editor-in-Chief of DreadCentral.com. There’s a multitude of reasons why, ranging from creative differences to personal reasons. I’ve made my peace with this, and even though it is very difficult for me, it’s something that needs to happen. You see, being happy? That’s easy, man. It’s these times… times when you’re down and out… the choices you make during these moments… they’re the ones that dictate who you become. They’re what build and shape your character. I implore you to please make these choices no matter how hard they are or seem. That is living, brothers and sisters. My stepping down is MY CHOICE.
Before I go, though, I would like to address one thing: you… the readers. The fans. During my tenure at DC I’ve gotten to know many of you and truly love some of you. All of you… even the ones whom I have yet to meet… you guys are my family. You guys are the ones who enabled Uncle Creepy to exist. Thank you for believing in me, and keep following your dreams. NEVER take no for an answer. If this street kid from Brooklyn with a G.E.D. education can create something important… so can you. Never listen to those who profess to be “normal.” Never assimilate. Be you. Be an individual. Take life by the throat, and run until your legs fall the fuck off. Screw everyone who thinks you’re a freak. Be a proud freak.
This isn’t the end for me. I don’t know what I’ll do next, but you ain’t getting rid of me that easy! Keep it creepy, kids. I love you.
“And now you want me to breathe.
And be so grateful.
For the air that I need…
You can’t deny me.” – PJ18