New AvP Game Spotted


Aliens Vs. Predator: The GameSierra officially announced the new PSP Aliens vs Predator title yesterday and while the press release doesn’t tell us anything new about the game itself, it does bring us the encouraging news that it’s being made by Rebellion.

You may recall that Rebellion were behind both the Atari Jaguar and PC version of Aliens Vs Predator, both noted classics, so seeing them return to the series is an exciting turn of events and gives this movie tie-in a bit more credibility.

Furthermore the game’s page over on publisher Sierra’s website gives us our first look at the title with five screenshots, one of which you see to your right, and it’s got to be said; they’re looking pretty damn nice.

The page also slates the games release date as November 2007, so it shouldn’t be long before we find out if Rebellion have done it again and delivered another great game in the Aliens and Predator universe.


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