Simon and Richter Belmont Join Super Smash Bros. Ultimate; Watch The Grim Reaper Kill Luigi In The Trailer

Nintendo had a very pleasant surprise in store for Castlevania fans during their Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct presentation. Simon Belmont and his descendant, Richter Belmont, will both be featured as playable fighters, marking the first time Castlevania characters have been in the Smash Bros. franchise. Simon’s trademark whip will also have the longest reach of any melee weapon in the entire game, so you’ll be able to beat your enemies from a great distance. Richter will be an echo of Simon, meaning that he will have the exact same play style, but we’re still getting two Castlevania fighters for the price of one.
The reveal trailer, which was a work of art in itself, depicts some of the most famous monsters from Konami’s Castlevania games, including mummies, Frankenstein’s Monster, a werewolf, and a giant snake, as they hunt Luigi through a spooky-looking fortress. Although Luigi fans might want to skip the trailer, because it shows him being killed by the Grim Reaper. Not knocked out, but actually killed. We know this because after the Reaper’s scythe struck the plumber, his soul was shown leaving his body, although Nintendo later confirmed that Luigi is still alive. I guess doctors were able to resuscitate him after his heart stopped. Nintendo also showed Mega Man being impaled through the chest by Ridley in the E3 trailer, so it seems like they have a fondness for killing their fighters.
Dracula, who has always been the primary antagonist of Castlevania, also appears in the trailer and will be featured as a boss in Ultimate, whilst his son Alucard will be utilized as an assist trophy. Best of all, Dracula’s castle will be included as a playable stage, and various songs from the Castlevania games will be on the soundtrack, which means there will be no excuse for Castlevania fans not to purchase Super Smash Bros. Ultimate when it launches exclusively on the Switch on December 7.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News