Here’s Your First Taste of the New HALLOWEEN Soundtrack

After a fake theme spread through the internet last week, it’s finally time for us to start getting a real taste of the music that this year’s Halloween has to offer. As we reported a few weeks ago, John Carpenter, who created the franchise and is executive producer on Blumhouse’s new take, is composing the film with his son Cody as well as Daniel Davies, who appeared on Carpenter’s Lost Themes albums.

Today, Sacred Bones Records has released a short teaser that gives a taste of mainly the ambient music we’ll most likely hear while also giving a very, very brief snippet of the main theme that has become a cultural icon akin to the Jaws theme.

Sacred Bones describes the new soundtrack:
The new soundtrack pays homage to the classic Halloween score that Carpenter composed and recorded in 1978, when he forever changed the course of horror cinema and synthesizer music with his low-budget masterpiece. Several new versions of the iconic main theme serve as the pulse of Green’s film, its familiar 5/4 refrain stabbing through the soundtrack like the Shape’s knife. The rest of the soundtrack is just as enthralling, incorporating everything from atmospheric synth whooshes to eerie piano-driven pieces to skittering electronic percussion. While the new score was made with a few more resources than Carpenter’s famously shoestring original, its musical spirit was preserved.

You can pre-order a vinyl copy of the soundtrack through Sacred Bones Records.

