Exclusive LAKE PLACID: LEGACY Clip Really Advises You to Stay Out of the Water

For our non-US readers, today is Labor Day, a day where we celebrate everyone who busts their ass to keep our country going. Around the country, people are hosting BBQ parties, going out with friends and family on a day trip, and are just enjoying what is often seen as the unofficial end of summer. Additionally, Labor Day also marks the closing of public swimming pools from coast to coast. While that may seem unpleasant given that we’ve got some very hot days ahead of us and a dip in some cool, clear water would be lovely, watching this clip from Lake Placid: Legacy only reinforces that fear I got when I saw Jaws for the first time as a young child: swimming pools are secretly hiding spots for aquatic terrors, so thank you Labor Day for saving countless lives.
But in all seriousness, tomorrow will see the DVD and digital release of Sony’s Lake Placid: Legacy, the sixth film – there have really been that many? – in the Lake Placid franchise. Interesting, this one ignores previous installments and also has no reference to the Bickerman family, who were introduced in the 1999 original entry.
To put a rather sizable bite into the end of summer, we’ve got an exclusive clip from the film that shows a group of walking crocodile munchies trying to rescue a few friends who have dared stray into a lake. Things obviously go awry, as they tend to do in horror movies, and the monstrous creature that has terrorized them is ready to make another appearance. In true Labor Day fashion, when food is brought to you on a proverbial silver platter, you don’t turn it down!
“A group of young explorers discover a secret area hidden from all maps and GPS devices. When they reach the center of the lake, they discover an abandoned facility that houses one of the largest and deadliest apex-predators known to man.”
Written by Johnathon Lloyd Walker and directed by Darrell Roodt, Lake Placid: Legacy stars Katherine Barrell, Tim Rozon, Sai Bennett, Luke Newton, Craig Stein, Greg Kriek, and Joe Pantoliano.