Shane Black Takes Responsibility for Hiring Sex Offender in THE PREDATOR: “I Did Cause Pain”

Shane Black is facing the music over his dubious decision to hire a friend to act in The Predator despite knowing he had a criminal past—but is it a day late and a dollar short? Steven Wilder Striegel pled guilty in 2010 to two felonies: risk of injury to a child and enticing a minor by computer; he subsequently served a 6-month jail sentence.
The Predator star Olivia Munn blew the whistle on Black and Striegel last month and claims she was “chastised” by 20th Century Fox and “isolated” from the rest of the film’s ensemble cast for her actions. She has since been backed by fellow Predator actors Jake Busey, Sterling K. Brown, and Boyd Holbrook; she also received a letter of thanks from Striegel’s intended victim.
Related Article: Abuse Survivor Thanks Olivia Munn for Exposing THE PREDATOR Sex Offender
Black did offer an apology in the immediate aftermath of the controversy, but many felt it didn’t reflect a true understanding of the transgression. The director claimed that he, too, had been misled by Striegel and that he was merely trying to help a friend who had fallen on hard times. But that was hardly the end of it.
Related Article: Busey, Brown, & Holbrook Support Olivia Munn on THE PREDATOR Sex Offender Flap
The flap has cast a long shadow over The Predator, which hits theaters nationwide today. As a result, Black addressed the scandal again yesterday, this time from the red carpet of the film’s Hollywood release. It shows a level of understanding not apparent in his initial apology; he also acknowledged he failed in his responsibilities as The Predator’s director:
“I made an error of judgment that is irresponsible. I’m not just a kid who can say, you know, we’re making movies in college, put your buddy in the movie. This is an adult decision with real responsibilities. And I didn’t vet somebody. And it doesn’t matter that I was shocked at these emails, or that he misrepresented, my friends and I, oh my god. It doesn’t matter. I was the captain of that ship – it’s my job to make sure that those things don’t happen, you see? And I failed, and I may have caused – I did cause pain to people in the cast. That’s unacceptable. I take full responsibility. I’m very, deeply sorry. I mean, I think about this a lot. I hope I learn from this because it really bothers me that this movie which could have been with these beautiful people and a beautiful night – all of this – has been overshadowed in some ways by a stupid decision that I made. I’m very sorry to anybody.”
It’s worth noting that Black never mentions Munn by name, despite the fact that she was put in a scene with Striegel and deserves special acknowledgment I have a feeling this controversy will linger, impacting the legacy of the film, not to mention Black’s future prospects for directing additional Predator movies. Time will tell.
Related Article: Olivia Munn Not Impressed by Director’s Apology for Sex Offender in THE PREDATOR
From the outer reaches of space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home. The universe’s most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. When a boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and an evolutionary biologist can prevent the end of the human race.
What do you think of Shane Black’s red-carpet apology for including a sex offender in The Predator? Has the controversy soured your enthusiasm for the film? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!