Exclusive: Jesper Kyd’s STATE OF DECAY 2 Soundtrack Coming to Vinyl

We’re very excited to announce that Jesper Kyd’s original soundtrack for the Undead Labs title State of Decay 2 is getting a vinyl release through Sumthing Else Music Works on Black Friday, November 23. The 2xLP release features 29 tracks, of which 10 are previously unreleased, that are pulsating with analog synths and pounding with atmospheric guitars.
“I wanted to bring out more of the human emotion in the situations you are playing through, and for the music to make the experience feel hopeful as you try to rebuild and expand your community,” explains Kyd.
He adds, “I recorded many instruments such as dobro guitar, acoustic guitar, electric guitars, various live percussion, solo violin, solo cello. The live instruments are an important part of making the world of State of Decay breathe and come alive. The broken down post-apocalyptic world needs to be reinforced with the feel of rural Americana; we’re in the American heartland and so the instrument palette was critical to accomplishing an authentic vibe.”
Below are samples from the soundtrack as well as package shots. And if what you see and hear makes you want to fire up your turntable, you can pre-order the record through Sumthing Else.
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