Latest HOUSE OF THE DEAD: SCARLET DAWN Trailer Takes The Franchise Back To Its Arcade Routes

It’s been some time since we’ve heard anything about House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn, although Sega have releases a new trailer for the upcoming arcade shooter, which is the first new instalment in the franchise since Overkill debuted on the Wii back in 2009.
Released in arcades across Japan earlier this year, House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn can accommodate two players, with the arcade cabinet containing two seats and a pair of guns. The campaign, which consists of five missions, takes place three years after the events of House of the Dead 4, and pairs series regular Kate Green with newcomer Ryan Taylor, as the duo investigate a suspected zombie outbreak in the area surrounding the aptly named Scarecrow Mansion.
As well as gunning down wave upon wave of zombies, if you want to reach the end you will also have to fight an assortment of monstrous bosses, including a Lovecraftian death god, a vampire bat, and even a giant squid. Sounds like classic House of the Dead to us.
Scarlet Dawn was also the first House of the Dead game to have been built using the Unreal Engine 4, resulting in the largest amount of onscreen zombies and the best visuals the franchise has seen to date. However, it’s still unclear if you’ll be able to experience this spectacular new adventure at home, because a console release has yet be confirmed. Despite that, the arcade cabinet has started making its way across Dave & Buster’s stores in the US, so make sure you fill your pockets with change the next time you visit your local D&B.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News