Burger King Says Their Latest Halloween-Themed Sandwich Gives You Actual Nightmares!

This is not an endorsement for Burger King; I’m a Shake Shack man myself, but that’s neither here nor there.
Burger King is playing with fire again! The fast-food chain famously offered customers a scary Whopper on an A1-infused black bun during the 2016 Halloween season; while no one remembers how it tasted, everyone who ate one remembers the green poop that followed. Not ones to let past mistakes deter their enthusiasm, Burger King recently released a Black Cherry Fanta freeze that will turn your mouth black—on purpose!
But that’s not all: Burger King is unveiling their latest glorious abomination, The Nightmare King, on October 22nd. The sandwich comes on a green bun and contains both a burger and a chicken patty, along with the usual accouterments. I guess we’ll have to wait until October 23rd to know what it does to peoples’ poop.
But wait, there’s more: Burger King is proudly touting the fact that The Nightmare King is likely to give you actual nightmares! According to MovieWeb:
Burger King conducted a sleep study with 100 participants over 10 days on people who ate the Nightmare King before going to bed. According to scientists, four percent of the normal population experiences nightmares during the night. Burger King’s study suggests that their sandwich made the incidence of nightmares “increase by 3.5 times.”
I’m surprised eating a greasy gut-buster before bedtime didn’t give all the participants bad dreams! It’s certainly a nightmare scenario for our vegan and vegetarian brothers and sisters. Still, we’ve got to tip our hats to The King for banking on American’s fascination with freaky colored food.
Will you be sampling a Nightmare King later this month? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!