After Backlash, Jason Blum Apologizes for “Dumb” Comments About Women Directors in Horror

Jason Blum is an indie maverick who almost single-handedly altered the horror landscape of the 21st Century; his Blumhouse Studios produced some of the decade’s most influential genre franchises, procured an Oscar for Get Out, and is on the verge of releasing the most hotly anticipated genre flick of 2018, Halloween.
But Blum isn’t perfect. In a recent interview with Polygon, he made some boneheaded comments about the lack of talented female directors in Hollywood—specifically in the horror genre. They seemed out of synch with reality as sites like Dread Central are praising the accomplishments of modern female filmmakers all the time. Here’s what he said:
“There are not a lot of female directors period, and even less who are inclined to do horror.”
Say what?
While Blum may not be perfect he’s at least willing to apologize for his mistakes and, after receiving significant backlash over his comments, he’s apologized via Twitter. His stamen reads, in part:
“We have not done a good enough job working with female directors and it is not because they don’t exist. I heard from many today. The way my passion came out was dumb. And for that I am sorry. I will do better.”
— Jason Blum (@jason_blum) October 18, 2018
Though the Internet can be an unforgiving place for those who stumble, I think we can all appreciate Blum’s willingness to address his mistakes head-on and without qualification. What do you think of his apology? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!