Exclusive Premiere of Ian Kane’s NIGHT OF THE KANUAK!

Inspired by his Native American roots, writer/director Ian Kane has been hard at work crafting his own horror shared universe. Having received positive marks for his debut entry in the series (2015’s The Visitor), Dread Central is happy to present the exclusive premiere of Kane’s second short Night of the Kanuak!
Released by DreamFlight Entertainment, this 17-minute flick follows Karen (Kelly Lynn Reiter, Bring Me a Dream), a young woman who encounters a dark and ominous entity in her apartment after her mentor disappears in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The entity in question is the Kanuak, a creature skilled in illusions and time manipulations; similar yet different to the entity that appears in The Visitor (both are of Native American origin).
Just to recap, Kanuak is the second short in a series that Kane calls The Fathoms of Yiqomec. Of this little flick, our own Matt Boiselle says, “Much like his first presentation, Kane manages to employ the usage of low-lighting to drag the frights towards you, and while you’ll most assuredly squint to get a glimpse, the scares will definitely make themselves known when it’s time.”
And more is to come! Kane is already prepping work on Ebonwood Falls, his third and final short in the series before he aims to transform his tales for the feature-length medium. In the meantime, if you want to get up to speed on this little series, be sure to also check out Kane’s first short The Visitor!