Dread Central Presents: We’re Heading Into the Mountains With DRY BLOOD!

Ahead of AFM (American Film Market), we’re thrilled to announce that we have acquired the horror/thriller Dry Blood! We will be releasing the film on VOD platforms as well as on Blu-ray on January 15, 2019.

Clint Carney, writer/producer/composer/star, tells us, “It’s been a long and exciting journey to go from writing the script almost four years ago, to now releasing Dry Blood to the world. We are beyond excited to work with Dread Presents. They already have a number of great films in their catalog and we couldn’t be happier to be a part of their roster, and to be welcomed into the Dread family.”

Director Kelton Jones adds, “Clint and I set out to make our favorite horror movie. We wanted to make a film that was true to the genre and lived up to the potential of what a great horror film could be. We knew this would be an ambitious task. We hold such a great love for the genre and the masters of cinema who had shaped our childhoods. We felt the best way to honor them was to pour our hearts and souls into making Dry Blood. We knew our toughest audience would be ourselves and we strived to make a film that we were truly proud of. I feel very grateful to have been able to be a part of such an amazing project, made with love, by people I love. I am beyond thrilled to be releasing this film with Dread Presents. We set out to make our favorite film; my hope is that it becomes your favorite film as well.”

You all know that we do our best to make Dread Central Presents not only a diverse label but one with films that we can be proud of, which is why we’re thrilled to welcome Dry Blood to our home! The movie recently wrapped up an incredible festival run, where it pulled in an astonishing thirty award wins (including many for “Best Picture,” “Best Actor,” “Best Director,” and “Best Writer”), with another twenty-three nominations as well. Highlights from this festival run include “Best Feature Film” and “Best Actor” wins from the Bram Stoker International Film Festival in the UK, as well as the top spot at the Indie Film Playoffs, where Dry Blood swept the board (Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Writer) in a competition against numerous films from multiple festivals.

In a rural mountain town, an unstable drug addict must unravel a surreal murder mystery as he’s terrorized by malevolent ghosts, a deranged sheriff, and the frightening hallucinations from his withdrawal.

Directed by Kelton Jones, and written/starring/produced by System Syn‘s Clint Carney, Dry Blood stars Clint Carney, Jaymie Valentine, Kelton Jones, Robert V. Galluzzo, Graham Sheldon, Rin Ehlers, and Macy Johnson.

