Republican Governor of Kentucky Blames Zombie Movies & TV Shows for Spike in Mass Shootings

This isn’t an attempt to make light of the epidemic of gun violence that has swept across American over the past decade, nor is it an attempt to politicize the horror genre. This is another example of misguided attempts to remedy societal ills by scapegoating horror movies and TV shows. To date, a quantifiable, scientifically sound connection between fictional depictions of violence and “real-life” violence has never been established.
The Republican governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, has been at the forefront of the gun violence debate for the past few months. In an attempt to assign blame for the increase in fatal shootings, he’s targeted smartphones, video games, and illegal drugs (anything, it seems, besides gun manufacturers and the powerful congressional lobbyists who push their agendas).
Related Article: November of the Living Dead: Dread Central’s 30-Day Horror Challenge for November 2018
Now, Bevins has a new scapegoat for the recent rash of mass shootings: Zombies. Here’s what he said during a recent interview with conservative Kentucky radio host Leland Conway:
“Seriously, what’s the most important topic that seems to be in every cable television network for example? Television shows are all about what? Zombies. These are drips, drips, drips on the stones of the psyches of young generations that are growing up in a society that increasingly said this is normal and okay. And eventually, some of those young minds are not going to be able to handle it. “And then we’re shocked, for reasons that are beyond me, that children act out this way. And yes, it’s only a few. But my gracious, it only takes a few.”
Whatever you may personally believe is the root cause of America’s gun violence epidemic, I can state one thing emphatically: It has nothing to do with Overlord, The Walking Dead, or any of the films that comprise the zombie subgenre of horror.
What do you think of governor Matt Bevin’s assertion that zombie movies and TV shows are to blame for the recent spate of mass shootings in America? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!