Thanksgiving Dinner Never Looked So Disgusting: Patrick Magee’s Chestburster/Turkey Mashup is a Thing of Nightmares

Thanksgiving dinner may have come and gone but many of us are still nursing a food baby in our stomachs, especially thanks to the copious amount of leftovers bursting out of the fridge! In fact, this sensation calls to mind one of the most iconic scenes in horror history: the moment when a Xenomorph burst through Kane’s chest in Ridley Scott’s brilliant 1979 film Alien!
As it would turn out, it seems that this sensation is not one that I alone experience. Special effects make-up artist, producer, and director (whew!) Patrick Magee took to his Instagram yesterday to share what is one of the most horrific and stomach-churning creations I’ve seen in a while. Basically, he combined a Xenomorph’s second mouth (the extendo bit) with the body of a turkey and then made the limbs a Cronenberg-esque mutation of both creatures, resulting in something that I wouldn’t even think of putting anywhere near my mouth. Check out the images below and make sure to click through each one so you can see the details in their nauseating glory!
Be careful serving this bird. I hear its gravy can eat through the hull!