Exclusive: Marti Noxon and Craig Gillespie Discuss Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

It’s been an interesting year for Craig Gillespie. After helming DreamWorks’ Fright Night remake, he was next poised to direct the film adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith’s novel Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and brought in acclaimed writer Marti Noxon (with whom he worked on Fright Night) to complete the script. Then in October it was announced he was exiting the project, leaving it up in the air.
Today Dread Central had the opportunity to chat exclusively with Gillespie and Noxon for the upcoming home video release of Fright Night and spoke with them both about why it’s been so hard to get Pride and Prejudice and Zombies onto the big screen.
For Gillespie, his reasons for exiting the project were pretty simple: “The short answer here is that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is just a tricky movie to make overall. But the reality is that there’s a lot going on in that world, and things just didn’t come together like I had hoped they would. I wasn’t 100% on board with where the project was at, and I decided that it was time to move forward and start looking at other movies to make. I wish them the best of luck, though, as I’m curious to see what ends up happening. It’s a really clever story; I wish it had worked out better.”
Noxon, who is still currently attached to the project, weighed in with her thoughts: “It’s a very unusual situation on Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Craig had brought me in after Fright Night to work on the script, and then he moved on. But I’m definitely still attached to the movie as the writer for now; that may change if they find a different director, but so far I’m still here. Personally, I love this story, and I love writing strong female characters so my hope is that I’ll still be attached when it moves forward. I’ve done vampires so much that it’s a really cool challenge to be working in the world of zombies because there really aren’t any rules; it’s just human beings trying to survive against what I like to call ‘meat obstacles’, and I’m just waiting to see what happens on the project next.”
Look for more from Gillespie and Noxon on the release of Fright Night on Blu-ray and DVD in the coming weeks!

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