Concept Art from Rob Zombies Unmade Remake of THE BLOB Tells a Much Different Story

Concept art for movies that never get made is always fascinating and a little bit sad; fascinating for the peek it gives us of an alternate version of the past, but sad because so much effort went into these projects that never came to fruition. Neill Blomkamp, for example, commissioned volumes of art for an Alien sequel that will never see the light of day.
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We’ve also recently shared unused concept art for Shane Black’s The Predator; while that film was made, there were some really cool hybrids and even a connection to Ridley Scott’s Alien that, lamentably, didn’t make it into the final product.
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Today, we’ve gotten a look at some really intriguing concept art for an unmade remake of The Blob that, at one point, had Rob Zombie attached to direct. The shock-rocker-turned-filmmaker left the project when his gut told him it wouldn’t be a successful project. Back in 2009, he no doubt suffered “Remake Fatigue” after delivering a new iteration of Halloween in 2007 and a sequel in 2009. Had he jumped immediately into a third remake, he’d risk being known as “The Remake Guy”.
Still, the concept art for 2009’s unmade remake of The Blob tells a much different story than the one we’ve heard before. In both the original released in 1958 and the remake from 1988 feature one giant gelatinous mass, whereas Zombie’s The Blob suggests that, once infected, people become what can only be described as “Blob zombies”. One image also suggests those infected by the Blob can merge into each other.
It also seems a rock festival featured prominently in The Blob. The unused concept art comes via its creator, Alex Horley. Give these images a look-see at your leisure below. If you’re like me, you’ll agree that this looks like something that could have been legitimately awesome. It’s exciting to see this window into what could have been—and it’s also kind of sad.
Zombie is currently hard at work in post-production on his sequel to The Devil’s Rejects, Three From Hell.
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What do you think of the concept art for Rob Zombie’s unmade remake of The Blob? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!