Diablo Cody on The Evil Dead Remake: “It’s Unbelievably Violent”

Some fans of The Evil Dead may just be getting the word that Diablo Cody, the screenwriter behind Juno, has been at work on the script for The Evil Dead remake. But before you fly off the handle and think this is going to be some flaky emo version of the film, listen to what the writer herself has to say about how she felt working on this legendary film series.
Speaking with Collider about polishing “…a pre-existing, excellent script by Fede Alvarez…”, Cody discussed the pressure she felt working on such a beloved franchise: “I wouldn’t have even gotten involved if Sam [Raimi] and Bruce Campbell hadn’t been involved as well. They’re producing it. And so of course I was like all right, I have to do this because I’m such a fan of the original.”
And being a fan of the series, Cody understood the responsibility she had working on the script. The ravenous Evil Dead fanbase was not going to accept just anything in a remake, and she got that. “I was nervous to take the job because I thought, ‘Ugh, I’m gonna get shit for this. People are not gonna like this because all people know of me is Juno, and they think I’m gonna pollute Evil Dead with like wacky dialogue and cute stuff and folk music,’ and it’s like, ‘No, look, I understand what this is. I’m interested in storytelling here and making it scary and good and true to the original’… And once again, I did not do like the standard dialogue people associate with me at all. I did very naturalistic dialogue that I felt would serve the story.”
Additionally Cody mentioned that while she did polish the script in places, she left the insanely violent scenes alone. She said Alvarez had to ultimately film them so she didn’t want to tinker too much, “That being said, there is a moment near the—I mean it’s unbelievably violent (laughs). Occasionally I threw in a wound here or there. I didn’t write anything extravagant.”
Sounds like we’ve got a real fan of the series doing her best to contribute to the remake. Great to hear! And as always, more Evil Dead info as soon as we get it.
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