Two More Werewolves Join the Pack for True Blood Season 5

And the “True Blood” werewolf pack has grown by another two members as both Kelly Overton (The Ring Two) and Louis Herthum (The Last Exorcism) have landed major recurring roles on HBO’s popular series. Overton will appear in six episodes while Herthum is confirmed for five with both having series regular options for the next season.
According to Deadline Overton will play a dirty, beautiful werewolf named Rikki who demands to know what’s become of the pack leader. Herthum’s character is a particularly large Marine-type werewolf who refuses to bow down before the new pack leader.
It sure is looking like the wolfies will be getting a lot of action in Season 5, and we’ll take it. Hell, anything’s better than the de-fanged version of Eric they gave us in Season 4!
The fifth season of “True Blood” starts production later this year ahead of its summer, 2012 return. Keep it here for what are sure to be lots more announcements in the coming weeks.
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