Found Footage Film-a-Palooza: The School in the Woods, Ghostfiles, Point of View

Ever since The Blair Witch Project burst on the scene, filmmakers have been trying to recapture the magic of the found footage film with varying degrees of success. Years later Oren Peli struck box office gold with Paranormal Activity, and now found footage flicks are coming out of the woodwork!
Below you’ll find the trailers for three new ones heading your way from the US, Germany, and of course Japan… The School in the Woods, Ghostfiles, and Point of View.
Can either of these hit that spooky homerun everyone is hoping for? Watch the trailers and let us know what you think below.
Thanks to DC reader Mike (Dualexaust) for bring these three to our attention.
The School in the Woods
Directed by Tony Fox
Starring Parker Dash, Cheavis White, James Goff, Jennifer Lynn Warren
Visit the official School in the Woods website.
In the fall of 2009, a group of college students ventured into the backwoods of Louisiana to find an abandoned school. A place with a history of violent deaths going back seventy years or more, before the school was even built. For a class project they were to film the school and find evidence of the paranormal. To hunt for ghosts. They found what they were looking for. And now the school in the woods is going to teach them a lesson in fear.
THE SCHOOL IN THE WOODS is an atmospheric and dramatic supernatural thriller about ordinary people placed in extraordinary circumstances and their subsequent psychological breakdown. Taking the “group of college kids go into the woods” scenario and putting a realistic feel to the characters and their reactions, the film draws the viewer in as an unacknowledged observer. The audience witnesses first hand as the characters’ relationships begin to break down, and we’re never really sure if it’s simple human nature or if “the school” is driving them to self-destruction with an inevitable creepy and shocking aftermath.

Directed by Andreas Tom
Visit the official Ghostfiles website.

POV: Point of View
Directed by Norio Tsuruta, the stars and synopsis are all available at the official POV website… providing you can read Japanese of course.

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