Traumatizing WATERSHIP DOWN is Now a Netflix Series

Those of us who were kids in the 1970s probably remember being traumatized by the British animated film Watership Down. Though based on the children’s novel by Richard Adams, the film delivered graphic depictions of violence, unglamorous examinations of death, and the scariest bunny rabbits ever drawn.
Now the cartoon that spawned a million nightmares is an animated TV series on Netflix. It’s a 4-episode series that IMDB describes the project as Season 1, meaning additional Watership Down inspired sequels may follow. Truthfully, it doesn’t look as unnerving as the original (directed by Martin Rosen and featuring the voices of John Hurt, Richard Briers, and Ralph Richardson) but the dark undertones definitely bubble to the surface. Have a look at the trailer at the top of the article.
Watership Down Season 1 features the voices of James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, and John Boyega.
Fleeing their doomed warren, a colony of
rabbits struggle to find and defend a new home.
Were you traumatized by Watership Down as a kid? Are you planning to check out the new series, now streaming in Netflix? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!