Exclusive INFERNUM Trailer Investigates a Haunting, Real-Life Phenomenon
There is a real-world phenomenon where strange, mysterious sounds ring across towns or regions. NASA has said that these are the, “…strains of symphony in the sound of strange storm coming from our planet [Source]”, but many are reluctant to accept such an answer. These haunting sounds echo across sky, sounding like some strange, potentially terrifying, announcement of an impending arrival. To this day, there are people who investigate and chronicle these events. For writer/director Dutch Marich, it was the perfect foundation for his horror film Infernum.
Today, we’re bringing you the exclusive trailer premiere for Infernum, which you can watch above. The film doesn’t have a release date yet but we’ll be keeping our eyes and ears peeled to let you know exactly when you can see it!
“Ancient literature has referred to the sound of hell as “the wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Many people believe that may be the explanation behind a paranormal phenomenon that has been heard around the world. Camille Williams (Suziey Block) believes this haunting sound is responsible for the disappearance of her parents when she was a young girl. Now a grown woman, Camille sets out with her friend James (Clinton Roper Elledge) in hopes of finding some answers.“
Written and directed by Dutch Marich, Infernum stars Suziey Block, Clinton Roper Elledge, Sarah Schoofs, Michael Barbuto, Abby Wathen, Sarah Zinsser, and Rita Habermann.
Casey Vandeventer Suziey Block (From Left to R) – Suziey Block and Clinton Roper Elledge (From Left to R) Clinton Roper Elledge, Sarah Schoofs, Suziey Block