This Family Celebrated a HEREDITARY-Themed Birthday Complete With a Decapitated Head!

WARNING: this story includes Hereditary spoilers!

I’m not really one to celebrate my birthday. It’s just not an event that I really enjoy all that much. However, if my family decided that they wanted to throw a horror movie-themed event, you bet your ass I’d play along! While that isn’t something I’ve ever experienced, it seems that a family in Las Vegas are all about trying to engage in some witchy/devilish activities…cake included!

Twitter user Parallelocam (Monique) took to the social media site to let people know that her family, “…put together a HEREDITARY themed birthday for me.” The party included spooky candles, a nut-covered chocolate cake, strange symbols, and, just to really drive the point home, the severed head of Charlie, which her sister Michaela (who made the head) explained was put together using clay. Michaela also tweeted about the event with a rather amusing explanation, saying, “Attempted to transfer the spirit of King Paimon to my sister until I remembered Paimon prefers a male host. Avoided an awkward situation and labeled it a birthday party yay!”

Check out some photos and videos from the event, including a crowning ceremony!

Cheers to Fangoria EiC Phil Nobile Jr. for giving me the head’s up!



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