(NSFW) Unearthed Films Announce “Too Extreme for Mainstream” Titles Coming in 2019

While horror has become almost mainstream in recent years, there are still envelope-pushing ends of the spectrum with titles that remain too extreme for the shelves of Walmart and Best Buy (not to mention the world’s largest online marketplace, Amazon). Unearthed Films releases this kind of content exclusively, titles usually hidden from the eyes of even hardened genre aficionados.

We’re talking about movies like Atroz, The Vomit Gore Trilogy, Aftermath, The Guinea Pig series, and The American Guinea Pig series among many other truly twisted titles.
Now, Unearthed has released a couple of new, upcoming titles and (you guessed it) you won’t find them in stores or on Amazon. Torment and Deep Web XXX will both be unleashed on the masses sometime in 2019. Check out the NSFW trailer for the former embedded at the top of the article and the latter below.
TORMENT: Director Adam Ford, has used what made Marian Dora’s Cannibal so filthy and decadent, and knocked it out of the park with his depiction of some of the worst male-sexualized violence committed to film. Mind you, this isn’t a gorefest, but rather an (un)pleasant execution in unsettling horror.
DEEP WEB XXX: Don’t expect a story with a twist as you view the segments – they exist to chill and delve into dark fetishes only. The film is an instant underground classic with perfect ideas, direction, lighting, acting, and especially effects. Will this anthology violate you? Will it offend some? Yes to these questions.
–Severed Cinema Are you a fan of the kind of extreme horror released by Unearthed Films? What do you think of the NSFW trailers for Torment and Deep Web XXX? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!