Menacing Young Supervillain Emerges in Latest Image from James Gunn-Produced BRIGHTBURN

We knew virtually nothing about the James Gunn-produced superhero/horror mashup BrightBurn until the trailer dropped from the sky like a meteorite at Brazil Comic-Con. Could this be the first truly terrifying superhero crossover movie, the film Venom was supposed to be? Damn, we hope so! If you missed the trailer, check it out at the bottom of the article.

Related Article: Trailer for James Gunn-Produced Superhero Horror BRIGHTBURN Hits Internet Following Brazil Comic-Con

Today, we’re getting a better look at the young alien who has a lot in common with Superman—and Jason Voorhees! What tricks does this menacing young antihero have in store for us? Time will tell. Have a look-see:

What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?

BrightBurn was directed by David Yarovesky (The Hive) from a screenplay penned by Mark Gunn and Brian Gunn. The film stars Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger GamesPitch Perfect), David Denman (13HoursPower Rangers), Jackson A. Dunn (Shameless), Matt Jones (MomHome) and Meredith Hagner (YoungerSet it Up).  James Gunn produces, with executive producers Mark Gunn, Brian Gunn, Dan Clifton, Simon Hatt, and Nic Crawley.

Look for BrightBurn in US theaters beginning May 24th,2019.

What do you think of the latest image from BrigthtBurn? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

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