Ridley Scott’s ALIEN Getting 2-Disc 4K Blu-ray This April

As a way of celebrating the 40th anniversary of Ridley Scott’s Alien, 20th Century Fox will be releasing a 2-disc 4K Blu-ray this April, as found out by our pals over at TheDigitalBits. There are no exact details as of yet but UK retail outlet Zavvi has the disc available on their site).
April is a special month for Alien fans as 20th Century Fox has labeled April 26 “Alien Day”, a nod to LV-426, the planet seen in Scott’s film and the setting of James Cameron’s sequel, Aliens. The celebration includes a great number of announcements, including new merchandise and what I’m guessing will also be a big reveal regarding Amanda Ripley and her upcoming stories.
Also, fans of the franchise should keep their eyes peeled for Alexandre Phillipe’s upcoming documentary Memory: The Origins of Alien, which will premiering at Sundance.