Could a Poltergeist Remake Finally Be Coming in 2012?

While on the set of Takashi Shimizu’s upcoming supernatural airplane thriller 7500, producer Roy Lee offered up updates on potential remakes or reboots for The Ring and The Grudge. Another remake that the producer briefly discussed during Dread Central’s set visit is the long-rumored Poltergeist project that has seen its share of problems over the last year.
The Poltergeist reimagining originally had Vadim Perelman (House of Sand and Fog) attached to direct, but then money woes at MGM slowed everything down to a grinding halt on the flick. According to Lee, though, momentum might be picking up soon on the Poltergeist remake.
Lee said, “The one project I’m probably most excited for is the Poltergeist remake, and that’s something that will hopefully get accomplished sometime next year.”
And while the producer isn’t officially attached to the project just yet, Lee did confirm that he has been in talks with MGM to come on board the remake as producer.
More as it comes.
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