First Time Ever: Writer Paul Gerrard Explains Why HELLRAISER: ORIGINS Never Became a Feature Film
This dish is juicy!

One of our favorite UK film critics and academics is Mr. H. He’s an expert on all things Hellraiser related and has done many deep dives into the franchise’s troubled and turbulent history. Recently, Mr. H got his hands on the complete pitch treatment for Hellraiser: Origins, which appeared as a faux-trailer/short film in 2013. Created by Paul Gerrard and Mike Le Han, the plan was to pitch Sony a completely new spin on the established Hellraiser mythologies, one that goes back to the very beginning.
Check it out in the link below.
Related Article: (Video) Full Plot of Unmade HELLRAISER: ORIGINS Has Been Unearthed
Today, Mr. H has presented an extensive interview he conducted with Gerrard where they discuss Hellraiser: Origins in detail. It’s worth noting that this is the very first interview Gerrard has given on the subject and, yes, it does get dicey! Want to know the full skinny? Want the real deal? Give the video a spin at the top of the article.
If you’ve never seen the faux trailer/pitch for Hellraiser: Origins, you can check it out below.
Related Article: Video Explores
What do you think of the story behind the unmade Hellraiser: Origins? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!