Exclusive Preview of comiXology Originals’ ASK FOR MERCY #6

On February 6, comiXology Originals will be releasing the sixth issue of their fantasy horror series Ask For Mercy, which is written by Richard Starkings with art by Abigail Jill Harding.
“Ask For Mercy is a World War II fantasy horror story in the tradition of John Carpenter’s The Thing and Sandman. Mercy is snatched from her own place and time to join a team of Monster Hunters who are actually Monsters themselves, and together they have to take on a Pantheon of Hideous Creatures summoned to our world by Nazi evil!“
To celebrate the upcoming release, which is available only on comiXology and Kindle, we’ve got an exclusive six-page preview that you can check out below! And if you want to get your copy, you can do so here.