Latest Trailer for A24’s THE HOLE IN THE GROUND Even Scarier Than the First

“Changeling” folklore rooted in the UK is getting a modern twist in A24’s The Hole in the Ground, a film that looks like a mix of folk horror (like The Hallow) and psychological horror like (The Babadook). There’s also a definite echo of 2009’s The New Daughter. We showed you the film’s first trailer a few weeks back; the one
Give the latest trailer for The Hole in the Ground a spin at the top of the article; check out the synopsis below.
Sarah and her young son Chris move to a new home in the Irish
countryside, next to a forest that hides an enormous sinkhole. One night, Chris
vanishes, and when he reappears he seems unharmed and unchanged. But, as his
behavior grows increasingly disturbing, Sarah begins to fear that the boy who
has returned may not be her son at all.
The Hole in the Ground is directed by Lee Cronin from a script he co-wrote with Stephen Shields; the film stars Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, and Simone Kirby. DIRECTV subscribers will get access to The Hole in the Ground on January 31st; the rest of us can see it when it arrives in limited theaters and select VOD platforms on March 1st.
What do you think of the trailer for The Hole in the Ground? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!