Rachel True Blasts Conventions Excluding Her from THE CRAFT Reunions

The Craft was one of the best-loved horror movies of the 1990s and the film has been enjoying a return to the limelight since celebrating its 20th Anniversary in 2016. To that end, the reunited cast has been a featured draw at many horror conventions nationwide. But while three of the former-teenage witches have been landing gigs with ease, one feels purposely excluded.

Rachel True played Rochelle in The Craft alongside Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, and Neve Campbell (who play Sarah, Nancy, and Bonnie respectively). True took to Twitter to blast conventions who are booking her co-stars without extending an invitation to her. The fact that she’s the only African American member of the lead-cast isn’t lost on her.

“I think it’s interesting these conventions are booking Neve, Fairuza &, Robin all together, but excluding me. Sounds about white… Kinda like the press junkets back in the day for the film.”

Click on the tweet below for her entire Twitter thread.

Form how she discusses being excluded from many Craft-related gigs since the film first hit theaters is also disheartening. But it’s good to know that at least one of her co-stars has her back.

“Btw the lovely Fairuza Balk tipped me off to this all, because she’s cool AF.”

There was supposed to be a Craft sequel/reboot timed to coincide with the film’s 20th Anniversary, but obviously, that never happened. The project appears to be stuck in pre-production limbo, but we’ll keep you posted on that front. If you’ve never experienced The Craft for yourself, peep the trailer and synopsis below.

After transferring to a Los Angeles high school, Sarah (Robin Tunney) finds that her telekinetic gift appeals to a group of three wannabe witches, who happen to be seeking a fourth member for their rituals. Bonnie (Neve Campbell), Rochelle (Rachel True) and Nancy (Fairuza Balk), like Sarah herself, all have troubled backgrounds, which combined with their nascent powers lead to dangerous consequences. When a minor spell causes a fellow student to lose her hair, the girls grow power-mad.

Are you a fan of The Craft? What do you think of Rachel True’s comments regarding her exclusion from recent The Craft reunions at conventions? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!



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