Four Absurd RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake Mods…And One Good One

Capcom’s recent HD remake release of Resident Evil 2 has been met with critical acclaim, incredible sales, and fan appreciation galore. As someone who bought the game when it first came out in 1998 and played through it countless times, the remake is a fantastic modernization that thrills, chills, and excites. I may or may not have beaten it a few times already and am raring to go back again…
Now, I play on PS4, so I can’t do all those interesting things that you PC gamers get to do. In this case, I’m specifically referring to using mods to adjust the gameplay. I can only experience those by watching YouTube gameplay from people who are generous enough to share their experiences.
So, let’s go down this rabbit hole and see some truly absurd Resident Evil 2 mods…and one really good one.
Model Swapping
Have you ever wonder what it would look like if Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy swapped places? And I don’t mean that Leon was the mysterious mercenary and Ada was the rookie cop. I mean actually swapping textures. Because that’s what’s happening here and seeing Leon sashay down a hallway is a bit more than I can handle.
500% Facial Animations
This genuinely might be the funniest damn thing I’ve seen this year. Little in the game has changed except for one minor adjustment: all facial animations are 500% more intense. Lips pulsate, eyes bug out, mouths open far too wide… It’s a glorious sight!
First-Person Mode
So, here’s the genuinely great mod and I think we can all understand why. The Resident Evil franchise was known, for a long time, for its fixed camera angles and tank controls. While that’s another mod that people have been implementing with the latest release, a far more interesting way to appreciate the game is through a first-person mode, which was last used in the series to great effect with Resident Evil 7. An enormous amount of work went into the creation of this game and its visuals and this mode allows a better opportunity for closer inspection. Plus, aiming seems a HELL of a lot easier.
X Gon’ Give it To Ya
Do you think rapper DMX ever had any inkling that his chart-topping song would become one of the most heavily meme-ified tracks in internet history? Probably not, but that’s precisely what happened. Here, the track plays when the seemingly unstoppable Mr. X torments you with his unrelenting chase. “Knock knock, open up the door, it’s real” has never been so accurate…or hilarious.
Sherry X
This one is purely meant to fuck with gamers as much as possible. In this mod, Mr. X has been replaced by a headless, floating Sherry model that doesn’t make a sound. That’s right, no footsteps to warn you of his (her?) impending ass whooping. You’ll have to rely solely on sight to make sure there’s no danger in the immediate area.
Have you found any other mods that made you laugh or dropped your jaw? Share them with us in the comments below!