You Will Soon Hear the Shriek of the Sasquatch on DVD

What better way to start off the new year than with a new entry in the ever-growing Sasquatchploitation genre? The latest stomping DVD shelves this January is the grindhouse-styled (complete with fake film damage) Shriek of the Sasqautch.
It’s 1979, and Julie (Scarlet Salem, “Strip Club Slasher”) and Nick (Donny Versiga) are on a road trip which puts them unwittingly on a collision course with Bigfoot. Will either of them survive to learn the secret of the Sasquatch? Pseudo-retro drive-in fun, complete with film damage.
Steve Sessions (Cremains) directed this mixture of Sasquatchploitation and fauxsploition.
Is fauxsploitation already a term out there used to describe these movies that are shot to look like films of a bygone exploitation cinema era yet, or did I just coin it?
Bayview/Retromedia will unleash the blood-curdling Shriek of the Sasquatch onto DVD January 10th.
Have a go at the trailer if your heart can take it.

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