Lots of New Evil Dead Plot Details

We’re all guardedly excited about the upcoming remake of Sam Raimi’s 1981 horror classic Evil Dead, and while the plot and the character breakdowns have only been hinted at thus far, the whole enchilada is now here with tons of spoilers. Read it at your own peril.
Ghost House/Mandate Pictures and Sony/FilmDistrict will be taking off to New Zealand next March, 2012, to begin lensing the remake of Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead. Fede Alvarez directs from his own screenplay co-written with Rodo Sayagues. Revisions were done by Oscar-winning writer Diablo Cody.
This is your last warning… As per our friends at MovieHole…

The redo plays it a lot more serious. These aren’t cartoonish heroes like Bruce Campbell’s Ash was in the original films; these are real folks with real world problems. And by golly are they in for some scary – not at all amusing – shit.
Mia and David, estranged siblings who have recently lost their mother (Mia’s taking it the hardest being that she’s the one who spent most days at the hospital watching her mother deteriorate), have reunited, along with some old friends and David’s fiancee, for an intervention at THAT old cabin. It’s here that the near rehabilitated Mia (who has apparently already been cast) will also toss the last of her drugs down the well and finally go cold turkey.
A big storm sets in. Everyone heads to the cabin. The book of the dead is found, and arrogant Eric (one of the friends along for the trip) takes the most interest in transcribing passages from it.
Meanwhile Mia struggles with her newly sober self — BIG TIME. She was going slightly loopy anyway from a recent overdose (one in which she technically died from but was brought back) so no surprise that Mia is the first and worst to go bananas. And no surprise either that nobody believes her crazy claims of coyote dogs and trees attacking her!
Convinced this is just a crazy druggo coming to grips with her new reality, the gang insist Mia stay put. As far as they’re concerned, she’ll do anything to get out of the cabin and back to the comfort of a bar.
The stuff Mia starts seeing (she sees in the mirror a bloody face with a cracked skull sticking out) and doing (vomiting blood and bile at her friends; getting trigger-happy with a rifle) is alarming; but again, David and company say she’s not leaving until she’s gone cold turkey. Bad idea obviously — the more time in the cabin, the further the demon that lives there can climb inside her body and take it over.
Covered in burns and blisters, and with bloodshot eyes, and complete with a new macabre grin, Mia goes all Jack Torrance on her mates. Even after she’s injected with tranquilizers, the wild young woman is still a menace. They have no choice but to lock her in… well, Evil Dead fans will know what that’s about.
There are some fun moments. With great effects they could be a treat. For instance, when the gang do decide it’s time to get Mia to the hospital, David grabs the girl, and they drive to the bridge they came in on… Only it’s gone now! Water has swallowed it whole.
The demon’s plan, of course, is to take everyone’s soul by the end of the film (with Mia’s help). There’s no Ash to make sure that doesn’t happen so it’s grim.
With gory moments that remind one of Hellraiser or Cabin Fever more than anything, and with obvious Shining comparisons, Evil Dead sounds like it’s going to be a perfectly good horror movie…just not an Evil Dead movie.
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