Exclusive: Jen Soska Confirms Tristan Risk’s Multiple Roles in RABID + Recent Screening Details

Jen and Sylvia Soska first met actress/model/snake-yoga enthusiast Tristan Risk at the debut screening of their first feature film, Dead Hooker in a Trunk. She’s been a part of the “Twisted Twins’” inner circle ever since, playing the surgery-obsessed Beatress Johnson in American Mary and appearing with the filmmakers at numerous horror conventions.
So, it was no surprise to hear that Miss Risk (as she’s affectionately dubbed) had a part in the Soskas’ upcoming remake of David Cronenberg’s Rabid. What was surprising (though perhaps it shouldn’t have been) were murmurs that emerged following a recent industry screening that suggested Risk doesn’t just have a role in Rabid—she has three!
We went right to the source and got Jen on the horn (she’s the twin with the mole near her eyebrow and, yes, we can tell them apart). She confirmed that their friend and artistic chameleon does indeed play three unique parts in their Rabid remake.

“Yes, [Tristan] Risk does play three roles in Rabid,” Jen told us. “Only she can play them. One was written just for her, another she had to do to ‘lead the others’, and the final role only Tristan can play. She’s like a female Doug Jones [Hellboy, The Shape of Water]; there’s nothing we can conceive of that she can’t pull off!”
On the recent industry screening, Jen also confirmed that it went swimmingly:
“We had a small screening with some distributors and producers and a couple guests that was incredibly well-received. I’m dying for it to screen with a theater full of horror fans. This one was made for David [Cronenberg] but it’s also very much for the fans. It’s such a beautiful and truly upsetting horror film. It’s the movie everyone has been waiting for from us!”
Jen was also effusive in her praise for everyone involved in the project, specifically post supervisor Lorraine Samuel (Silent Hill, Bride of Chucky), color designer Mila Pitriki (The Witch), and sound designer Paula Fairfield (Game of Thrones).
“It’s funny,” Jen tells us. “We never set out to hire mostly women, only the best available. But we ended up with so many incredible women on our crew. It’s really nice to see.”
So, what’s next for Rabid? “Our post-team is completing the finishing touches.”
In addition to Risk, Rabid stars Laura Vandervoort, Greg Bryk, and Stephen Huszar
Just one more thing Jen—can we get a trailer, please?
Are you a fan of Jen and Sylvia Soska, Tristan Risk, and/or David Cronenberg? Are you excited to check out Rabid in 2019? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!