Exclusive: Photos from The Stranger Inside; Sarah Butler Speaks

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We caught up today with actress Sarah Butler (star of last year’s Steven R. Monroe-directed feature I Spit on Your Grave) to chat with her regarding the psychological thriller The Stranger Inside, which is currently filming on the isle of Mallorca, Spain, under the eye of writer and director Adam Neutzsky-Wulff. Read on for word from the shoot along with a bit of ocular candy.
“I’m having such a great time,” stated Butler, who appears in the role of ‘Sarah’ opposite co-stars Estella Warren (2001’s Planet of the Apes) and William Baldwin (Backdraft). “My character has been particularly challenging because she appears to be one thing one moment and the next another. She is complex and dynamic, and it’s been the time of my life!”
Working six-day weeks and with the production set to move to Copenhagen, Denmark, and New York, New York, upon the completion of the Mallorca leg, Butler stated of the production, “Billy and Estella have both been great to work with. Estella has an enormous scene load, and luckily she also has a great work ethic. She’s always there for her off-camera lines and never stops giving to the other actors. Billy’s also a wonderful example of a professional actor and someone who does everything in his power to make the film the best it possibly can be.”
But what can fans of the genre expect from The Stranger Inside?
“As a psychological thriller, the film does contain elements of horror,” revealed Butler, “and without giving too much of this twisty plot away, there are definitely some scares that will have horror fans jumping in their seats. The most disconcerting thing about the script, though, is that you are never able to decide who the actual antagonist is until the very end.”
We’ll keep you updated. In the interim see our previous article here for more on the film, and check out our photo gallery below.
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