Who Goes There Podcast: Ep203 – AUDITION

Oodalolly, oodalolly, golly what a day! We’re going to talk about The Gay Agenda! No, I’m not talking about what they’re doing to the soil over at Stuart’s trailer park. We’re joined by Luis, drummer for the San Diego hardcore band The Gay Agenda, to discuss “queer core” and some good, old fashioned, Japanese gore in the form of 1999’s Audition.
Audition has been hailed as a “turning point in Japanese cinema” and is celebrating its twenty year anniversary with the release of a sweet, new 2K restoration. We’re here to answer the REAL questions, folks. Does Audition live up to the hype? Does it still hold up after two decades of infamy? Tune in and find out.
You can find The Gay Agenda on Facebook and Bandcamp.

Your mouth would make an interesting urinal. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 203!
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