Exclusive: CANDY CORN Looks Like the Perfect Halloween-Themed Treat for Horror Fans
We’ve just seen the teaser trailer for writer/director Josh Hasty’s Candy Corn and can say with confidence it looks like the perfect Halloween-themed treat for horror fans—and the film should arrive time! It looks like a throwback to the Golden Age (the 1980s) and has all of the ingredients for a bloody good time! Give the teaser a spin at the top of the article and check out the synopsis below.
It’s the eve of Halloween in Grove Hill, Ohio. A traveling carnival is in town for the weekend and local outcast, Jacob Atkins, has been hired as one of the freaks in the event’s main attraction, “Dr.Death’s Side Show Spook House Spectacular”. Meanwhile, a group of local bullies are planning their annual public hazing of Jacob, but this year things go too far.
Horror film icons, Courtney Gains (Children of the Corn, The Burbs), PJ Soles (John Carpenter’s Halloween, Carrie), Tony Todd (Candyman, Final Destination), and newcomer Pancho Moler (Rob Zombie’s 31), join the previously announced cast: Sky Elobar, Caleb Thomas, Madison Russ, Cy Creamer, Jimothy Beckholt, Nate Chaney, Patrick Ryan, Justin Mabry, Matt O’Neill, and Jaime Gallagher to round-out the full cast of Candy Corn.

What do you think of the trailer and synopsis for Candy Corn? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!