Celebrate HELLBOY With These Exclusive BTS Images From Upcoming New Edition of BPRD: VAMPIRE

On Saturday March 23, Dark Horse Comics will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of one of comics’ most enduring and now iconic creations: Hellboy. That date will mark 25 year since the release of Hellboy: Seed of Destruction, the first mini-series featuring Hellboy (although his first true appearance actually came a year before that). We here at Dread Central know full well just how important creator Mike Mignola’s work has been on countless artists, writers, directors, and more, so when Dark Horse approached us to help with the festivities, we leapt at the opportunity.
Today, we’re bringing you
“In the story, a vampire-haunted B.P.R.D. agent’s quest for revenge turns into a rampage as he pursues a clan of undead and their gorgon-eyed queen.“
To see what other sites are premiering for this anniversary, simply follow #Hellboy25 on social media, such as Twitter.