THE MEG 2 Gets Status Update from Producer

While I personally was extremely disappointed with 2018’s The Meg (which broke an annual run of excellent shark-themed horror movies that began in 2016 with The Shallows and continued in 2017 with 47 Meters Down). Still, there’s no denying that, financially, the film was a success—especially in international markets. So, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise to hear that a sequel to The Meg is still on the table over at Warner Bros.
Our friends at CinemaBlend were able to snag a status update on The Meg 2 from producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura during a press panel for Pet Sematary at SXSW last week. Here’s what he told them:
“We’re working on a script. Yeah. So, you never know until you get a good script. … I was very thankful that the audience got that we were just trying to have fun, [and] not take ourselves seriously at all.”
Of course, horror fans like myself wish they had taken the source material (a series of novels by Steve Alten) more seriously. Not only was the action and violence cartoonish as opposed to truly terrifying, the script was a cumbersome mess populated by two-dimensional characters. Still, there’s plenty of potential horror to be flushed out in a sequel, as Alten’s series incudes many other once-extinct monstrosities.
Of course, there’s nothing to suggest a sequel to The Meg is coming down the pike anytime soon, but we’ll be watching the situation closely to see what, if anything, emerges from the depths of the Mariana Trench.
In the meantime, you can give the trailer and synopsis for 2018’s The Meg a spin below.
Previously thought to be extinct, a massive creature attacks a deep-sea submersible, leaving it disabled and trapping the crew at the bottom of the Pacific. With time running out, a visionary oceanographer recruits rescue diver Jonas Taylor to save the crew and the sea itself from an unimaginable threat — a 75-foot-long prehistoric shark known as the Megalodon.
The Meg is directed by Jon Turteltaub and stars Jason Statham, Bingbing Li, and Rainn Wilson.
Were you a fan of The Meg in 2018? Are you hoping for a sequel at some point? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!